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Species: 1
order: Myliobatiformes
Family: Aetobatidae (pelagic eagle rays)
Species: 1
Aetobatus ocellatus (Kuhl, 1823)

IUCN Status

Maximum size:
Maturity size:
Birth size:
Litter size:
Reproductive mode:
300 cm DW (880 cm TL)
Females at 150–160 cm DW,
Males at 100–130 cm DW
Variable, 18–50 cm DW
Up to 10 pups, usually 1–4
Viviparous, with histotrophy
Pectoral fins joining head above level of eyes
Sting(s) present on tail (removed in individual pictured)
Dorsal fin raked back, its origin behind pelvic-fin insertions
Spiracles dorsolateral on head (openings visible in dorsal view)
Edge of nasal curtain deeply notched and V-shaped
Upper surface dark brown, blackish or greenish black, usuallywith many whitish spots (sometimes sparse)

Sharks and rays of
papua new guinea
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