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Species: 1
order: Myliobatiformes
Family: Hexatrygonidae (sixgill stingrays)
Species: 1
Hexatrygon bickelli (Heemstra & Smith, 1980)

IUCN Status
Maximum size:
Maturity size:
Birth size:
Litter size:
Reproductive mode:
170 cm TL
Females at ~113 cm TL
Males at ~110 cm TL
~45–48 cm TL
2–3 pups
Viviparous, histotrophic
Disc soft, heart-shaped and very flabby
Snout long, triangular and gelatinous
6 pairs of small gill slits on ventral head
Tail short with one or two stings and a well-developed caudal fin
Eyes small and widely separated
Spiracles large and obliquely oriented

Sharks and rays of
papua new guinea
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